Site restored/Multi-replies/All hands on deck

carolynwhite2 carolynwhite2 at
Fri Jun 17 10:35:16 UTC 2005

Site is back up now BTW & what a great TBAY from Neri on main. I am 
almost tempted to post a reply - it would be my first post this year 
if I do.

> I think we need an extra Quidditch category, or rename the history 

A quick glance makes me think that 3.6.1 History, players, balls, & 
rules definitely needs to be reviewed. It seems to be a hodgepodge of 
all three Quidditich codes right now. 

A Quidditch-general code or similar would probably be a good idea, to 
replace that former heading. 

I think moving the House Quidditch Teams up to 3.6 Quidditch 
is a good idea, 

C - ok, I suggest the following:

3.6  Quidditch
3.6.1 History & rules of Quidditch
3.6.2 Quidditch World Cup
3.6.3 Hogwarts Quidditch teams & games
3.6.4 General Quidditch theories

Speaking of new codes, should we possibly anticipate what new codes 
should definitely be added before we start to code the post OOP 
threads; i.e. the Veil, Snape's Worst Memory, (etc.)? We can always 
code these to the chapters they appear in but
I think these two 
subjects will be back to haunt us in one of the next two books. 

C - I think adding the Veil to 3.8.6 Magical Items would be ok, but 
not quite so sure about Snape's Worst Memory because that is the 
actual title of OOP, Chap 28.

HoG. There has been and will be a great deal of talk over heirs to 
Gryffindor. I've seen some placed under Godric and some under 
Heirs/rules of inheritance and also under Ancestors/descendants 
depending on how the author termed the person in question;

C - I agree that these three sections need some sorting out. I tend 
to code to the historical person first and foremost, and only code to 
ancestors/descendants if it is a post about the ongoing argument over 
the mistake that was corrected in later editions. I imagine this 
section can be savagely pruned eventually. Heirs/rules of inheritance 
I tend to use for discussions of who left what to who (eg we could 
use it for who gets 12 Grimmauld Place).

A question. I came across a small thread about how the Durmstrang 
ship got into the lake at Hogwarts, where would any of you code this? 

C - firmly under Durmstrang in the Geography section I think, since 
it usually seems to involve elaborate underground plumbing 

JKR-Personal: I've had a couple of posts that compare HP to JKR's 
personal life. I don't really see a section for that except possibly 
1.2.4. This particular set offers the idea that Dudley and Harry 
represent JKR and her sister. (If that's the case, it's too much 
information about her childhood for me!)

C - I would code to Dudley or Harry probably.

Side note to Carolyn (and Sean!). How do you keep the reject rate 
so high? Are your posts worse than mine, or do you remember 
everything that's been said before? I was quite pleased to increase 
my rejection rate to 2/3 on the last batch, and I rejected every one 
I had to stop and think about. 

C - basically, it has to be a fairly long and careful analysis to get 
coded at the present stage. The majority of posts seem to be short 
paragraphs picking over old arguments with no effort to look up past 
discussions at all. Someone has recently even brightly suggested the 
idea that Lupin might not be all he seemed...

I slash through this stuff, and just keep the odd long one for 
posterity which pulls the arguments together. Eg there has been a 
long SHIP thread on Harry and Ginny, where I probably kept maybe 3-4 
posts out of over a 100.

I am also slashing all discussions of bits of OOP text that got 
released other than the odd imaginative and accurate prediction - for 
instance, someone got Umbridge bang to rights in a discussion about 
poisoned honey, so I coded to Umbridge (probably the first post to go 

However, there was a great TBAY series of prediction discussions in 
the Safe House, which I coded in its entirety to OOP predictions/no 
canon. Lots of Pippin swishing about as a vampire!

Potioncat noticed that Miss Havisham has an odd smile on her 
face. "Is that 200 posts this week, Dear?"
You must understand...Uh, I've got teenagers!... My air conditioner 
was broken
and coding was all I could do!...The dog looks sick..."

noting that management would do well to crack the whip on me very 
hard this week, as the kids' summer sports season starts next week 
and I will be out virtually every evening until August

Miss Havisham curled her lip in contempt. 'School sports?' she 
spat. 'Teenagers?' 
The nerve of these people thinking to offer up RL excuses at this 
critical juncture. 

The foghorn roared:

She went to check the locks. Once they were here, they'd see who was 

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