carolynwhite2 at
Thu Jun 23 21:24:33 UTC 2005
Well, that's what the code "Just for a laugh" is for -- which reminds
me, I never knew whether we were going to include those in the
catalogue or just for our own amusement?
C - I think we should..but I know that I don't click it that often
anymore. Coding gets you that way..
Ginger, on her heroic Lupin investigation:
One thing that is still causing a headache is the Good/ESE area.
If ESE is in the subject line, there is usually no problem, but I
have noticed that many threads start out ESE, and then someone
rebuts, but either oversnips or is replying to a rebuttal, and
different people have coded each post, that some end up under ESE,
some under Good, and some under just Lupin. No thread consistancy at
all, and it is not the fault of the coder.
There are also 50 or so posts about his personality in general which
could very well go to ESE or Good, but aren't there.
C - How difficult is it to put them in their correct categories? The
difficulty is that even if you can do this neatly, then the threads
get broken up. Is the vote to merge the two categories (ESE!/Good) to
avoid this? If we do this, then Pippin's theory is difficult to find
on its own. Unfortunately she hasn't given it a neat little acronym,
so this might end up the one and only example of a named poster being
listed as their own category.
More thoughts?
Ginger asked:
Wouldn't we have saved
> ourselves a lot of time in the last 1000 or so posts had we not
just rejected them all and posted a notice on HPfGU saying "Hey, old-
> timers, If you actually said anything that was worth repeating in
the month before OoP came out, e-mail Carolyn with the post #."
Potioncat, still aching from being strung up in manacles overnight
That would have been brilliant! Carolyn would have been swamped with
e-mails from HPfGU posters with megabites of post numbers (each) that
they deem worthy of keeping.
....and the rest of us could have had a nice little vacation while
she dug herself out of the pile of e-mails.
C - Oh, trust me, I am happy to answer each and every one of those
emails. Do I have some scores to settle. It would be a *pleasure*....
But there was one post which I found very sad, and summed up a lost
I really don't like Tolkien much anymore, but it was an apt
Does Madam Malkin have a spot on the list? I had a post that could
have been coded to her, but couldn't find her. I assumed she would be
under "Other Wizarding". I coded the rest of the post, but if she
gets a spot of her own, I'll go back and add her.
C - she hasn't come up all that much yet. If you think it justified I
can add her, or could the post go under WW clothes?
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