[HPFGU-Catalogue] Loony Loopy Long Post

Ginger quigonginger at yahoo.com
Sat Jun 25 14:29:58 UTC 2005

> > "But," said Ginger, allowing herself to be sat down, "I have news for 
> > her.  In my review, I noticed that posts 42221-42300 didn't seem to 
> > be coded yet.  I didn't check them all, but a random search seemed to 
> > indicate it."  
> "Fear not," said ewe2, taking off the lampshade (for it was he) "for I shall
> code them!" Valiantly he eeked a determined tune, as he waddled off to the
> Room of Lost Codes.

And it was done, and the penguin again reclined with a munchie and a drinkie
and had the dance music up loud for the other coders to wobble to...

Ginger sighed, "My hero."  Turning to the room in general, she asked, "who was that masked penguin?"  grabbed another doughnut and left...again.  Maybe this doughnut will make it as far as the office.

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