[HPFGU-Catalogue] Never thought I'd read these words......

Barry Arrowsmith arrowsmithbt at btconnect.com
Sun Jun 26 10:19:01 UTC 2005

> Stop the presses! Post #60140 by our own Mr. Kneasy. And I quote:
> "Sirius, on the other hand is a big shaggy dog, a traditionally
> friendly image, that's trusted by a part kneazle. So Sirius is OK by
> me."
> WHAT? I mean, we're all allowed to change our minds now and again, and
> certainly I will eat my words before this is over, but the venerable
> Kneasy saying Sirius is OK? My world is rocked.
> Jen, who distinctly remembers arguing with Kneasy over the symbolism
> of the Padfoot animagus form and he did NOT say Sirius was "OK".
> Hehehe.

Scarcely believable, but true.
If you read some of my early efforts closely, you'll find a different  
take on Sevvy, too.

Ah, the follies of youth, when the world was young and posters not  
yet steeped in paranoia and mendacity accepted the canon at face  
value. Didn't last long, though. Within a handful of weeks suspicion  
supplanted surety and the miserable old curmudgeon was off and  
running - well, not so much running as oozing into perceived  cracks  
in the fictional facade. A lisping dewy-eyed innocent transfigured  
into a misanthropic old bugger, corrupted by the observation that the  
really interesting posts in the back files were the ones that upset  
the fluffies.

Having an alter ego means you can change your mind - at the  
beginning, anyway. But as the posts have multiplied arrowsmithbt has  
become a mere appendage, Igor to a villainous master, a toiler in the  
dungeons of Schloss Kneasy while the suzerain struts on the  
battlements dreaming of converting canon into weapons of mass  

No doubt Hubris lurks in the shadows.

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