[HPFGU-Catalogue] Lupin acronym - response from Pippin

Ginger quigonginger at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 27 02:06:15 UTC 2005

Yours are very good. But the theory, or rather its symbolic
representation as a TBAY flying hedgehog (ah, those were the
days) does have an acronym, given in message 39562.
It's LYCANTHROPE --Lupin Yields Candy, A Nasty Trick, He's Really
Obviously Perfectly Evil. It's listed in the Inish Alley database.

Who has always been partial to the ever so simple LIE --Lupin Is Evil.

Ginger:  Woo hoo!  Ok, so all of Pippin's ESE posts go under Lycanthrope.  I am at my parents' house right now, but will be going home in the morning and will get on it then.

Ginger, wondering if Pippin would be so kind in the future as to put the acronym in her subject line.  Hem Hem.

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