[HPFGU-Catalogue] Accio programme..

Barry Arrowsmith arrowsmithbt at btconnect.com
Tue Mar 1 12:40:28 UTC 2005

>  I have just picked up this:
> http://www.accio.org.uk/events.shtml
>  What are other people's reactions? You can probably guess mine.
>  Carolyn

I thought it was supposed to be fun?

Unless there's entertainment/wit/mischief hidden beneath some very 
anorak-type headings I fear that some may be taking themselves too 
seriously by far.

I really should have completed my landmark of literary criticism:

"Semiotic psychosis in the aesthetics of bildungsroman epics: is Ron a 

Is that Hans I see tucked away in the middle of the programme?
Hells teeth. Determined to batter the audience with old ideas married 
to new age fervour, I'll bet.

Nope. Sorry. Can't see anything there that'd tempt me to stir from 
Schloss Kneasy
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