[HPFGU-Catalogue] Re: more...and more
Barry Arrowsmith
arrowsmithbt at btconnect.com
Fri Mar 4 15:27:47 UTC 2005
> Ah. So I wasn't the only one who noticed. Enlightening, wasn't it?
> I'm not sure I'd put the women's complaints down to self-absorption
> though, more an inability to stop giving a damn about society's
> expectations of them. The old men were far more arrogant:
> pronunciations from on high about everything that's wrong with the
> world, and why it should conform to their expectations of it and how
> horribly unfair it is that mobile phones exist.
The truly unreasonable and extremely irritating aspect of mobile phones
isn't that they exist, it's that others use theirs to call you.
Something I avoid by refusing to have one - even when BT offered me
one for free. Being instantly available at *someone else's* beck and
call is unacceptable. This drawback has been neatly side-stepped by all
modern businesses, who insist that customers speak to a computer
> The women were
> complaining about how irritating it is to have to conform to
> society's expectations of them. It's awfully sad that they still
> feel they have to.
Bugger society. It can mind it's own damn business. What you have to
worry about are individuals. You can safely ignore anyone who can't
screw up your life.
Sitting in my dentist's waiting room I browse through the women's mags
- and you know what? It looks to me that most of the pressure on women
is coming from other women. "Do that....look like this...enjoy the
other....or you're a dowdy old bag and a failure to boot."
I'll let you into a little secret. Men aren't all that fussy. They're
just thankful for finding somebody who regards them as even faintly
interesting. So much so that they'll usually end up marrying this
person with such remarkable insight.
> I'd be fascinated to know what the grumpy oldies of fifty years
> hence will be bitching about. Will the male and female groups be
> more similar in their grumping subjects, or is an obsession with
> female appearance something our species is stuck with? I have a
> horrible feeling it's the latter. If only we were descended from
> birds rather than mammals, then it'd be the blokes having to deal
> with keeping the bright colours bright, and the impracticality of
> maintaining overly-long absurdly-coloured lice-free tail feathers...
> I wonder what they'd complain about then.
Same sort of stuff.
Biology and evolution don't move as fast as technology.
That's a major part of the problem of course......
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