"When will we be through?" they whined.

Jen Reese stevejjen at earthlink.net
Mon Mar 7 18:30:55 UTC 2005

> Carolyn, do you have a projected date for finishing this review and
> recommencing regular coding?

> > After this review, we'll go back to coding. Will there be 
> > another review of coded posts? If so, will this section of posts 
> > be noted as reviewed or will there be another big review that 
> > looks at these again?

> I sense a wail of despair..

Jen: Oh no, we're never finsished. Hasn't everyone figured that out 
yet? Resistance is futile. We have been assimilated <beg>. 

> When we do, the most important thing is that everyone reads, 
> learns and inwardly digests what we've discovered - ie, that we 
> have been massively over-coding, and that the definitions of some 
> sections are extremely imprecise, or at least unclear to a lot of 
> people.

*Uh-oh Potioncat, there's that 'read and inwardly digest' part that 
tripped us up last time.*

Seriously though, this review has been a good thing. I feel slightly 
abashed at my own inconsistent and somewhat manic coding style; I 
hope this experience will serve its purpose. Every time I code from 
now on I can think, "Remember the Review, Remember the Review" sort 
of like "Remember the Alamo" but without historical cred and the 
nifty souvenirs.

> So we don't lose momentum, I suggest we give it one more week and 
> see how many big sections we can finish by then. After that, those 
> with energy and time could perhaps deal with some of the 
> unfinished sections as and when they can fit them in, but we all 
> basically go back to coding from Monday 14th March.

Jen: I want to finish the chapter codings and the 
characterization/psychological assessment section before moving on. 
Can't guarantee those will be done by the 14th because we have 
Spring Break next week, but put me on the list for continuing to 
review until those are done (and any others left pending).

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