[HPFGU-Catalogue] Re: When will we be through?

Sean Dwyer ewe2 at aardvark.net.au
Mon Mar 7 19:25:53 UTC 2005

On Mon, Mar 07, 2005 at 02:02:06PM -0500, Kathy Willson wrote:

>   Potioncat: Not despair....frustration maybe. I'm committed to the project.
>   I'm fine following directions without the slightest idea of how all this
>   works. (I type a key and I read a post, that's all I really know.)
>   But I've read a few posts that really could be rejected, yet three or four
>   or more people have to read the same post and decide on their topics
>   before it happens. One today was about 4 sentences long, with 4 codes. It
>   seems a shame not to just wack away at it. Unfortunately, you don't know
>   if someone has looked at it and is coming back or if you are the first to
>   look at it. 

I've found posts I've reviewed in other categories and wondered why I kept
some cats myself. But the more I review the better I am at getting at the
essence of a post, if it has any relevance.

>   Maybe at this point it's too late to change, but could we all look at
>   individual characters while looking at a larger heading? (Or at least
>   those minor characters or ones not yet reviewed?)  For example, if I was
>   reviewing stereotypes I could go ahead and remove any characters who were
>   inappropriately coded to that post. I'm not sure if this would make more
>   chaos instead of less...

This is what I've been doing mostly, except by far the greatest over-coding is
with major characters, particularly Harry, even when the posts are really
about theories or relationships or repeating canon. And how many "I love
Harry/Ron/Hermione/Molly/Neville/Snape etc posts can you have?

I think our biggest problem is keeping in mind what's been done, what's
particularly useful, funny, unique, whether's there's continuity that can be
searched for. IOW big picture stuff that's hard when you're looking at a
sentence and going "is this really worth coding?"

When all you have are foxes, everything looks like a henhouse.

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