[HPFGU-Catalogue] Questions, questions ...some fixes

Kathy Willson willsonkmom at msn.com
Tue Mar 8 18:14:56 UTC 2005

   Mad-Eye isn't the main character in any of 
  these so far, and I've had no trouble removing him from ones where he 
  was mentioned in passing. But some seem less obvious. 

  C: So what happens when you take him out? Are you effectively 
  rejecting them?? 

  Oh, no. I'm just removing the code for Moody from the post. For the most part it's been Memory Charm, Reverse Memory Charm, Fourth Man....I decided that if I was looking for real canon Moody those would not be posts I would want to read. 

  Now Ginger:
  C: Dear, dear..and you all seemed such nice women..perhaps it's the 
  company in here. I agree, it is tempting, why not..

  Well, I took the advice and I feel much better. I finally decided that if someone was coming back to take action on a post, they were either going to reject it too or they could change it back just as easily. I've followed behind Sean and Jen who either left notes to reject or had already rejected. But if anyone finds a post I rejected that they didn't want rejected...It's Talisman's and Ginger's fault. They said I could.

  Who is far from bionic, but is nevertheless eyeing up the big wooden 
  paddle on the wall in case of mass insurrection..

  I'm in favor of completing the review before we go back to coding. It's certainly a good thing we found some of these problems before the general membership did. And posts that looked good by themselves don't look so interesting next to several others on the same topic.

  I'm almost done with Moody. Are there any topics you'd like looked at sooner rather than later? If so, let me know. If not, I'll just browse and choose something.
  Kathy W.

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