Questions, questions ...some fixes
Jen Reese
stevejjen at
Wed Mar 9 04:28:36 UTC 2005
> C:
> I realised that this problem was not confined to section 4
> but would affect any posts that currently were still sitting in
> level 2 heading (x.x). So, today, I have spent hours going through
> every such heading listed on my Sunday update and quickly moving
> posts in them to a safe location. Otherwise, people could have
> accidentally lost the whole coding on complex ones just by hitting
> save and not seeing there was a level 2 head included in the list.
Jen: I guess we'll never know, huh? Or we'll find out the hard way
when some valuable post comes up missing. Beta-testing at its
finest. Well hell, they don't pay us enough anyway. I'm sure no
posts were completely lost because it would be very obvious when
setting the new category. Maybe a few lost a coding or two along the
way, but we wanted to thin the ranks anyway,lol.
> Am I glad you spotted this Jen! And especially for you, I have
> all the posts sitting in the general book heads to a level 3 'book
> review' head. There are two versions of this for CoS, POA and GOF -
> the heading you had begun moving things to, plus a heading
> called 'OLD' reviews. These are the posts formerly in the book
> heading which you have not yet reviewed. They can now sit there
> safely until you get to them, rather than risking disappearing,
> should anyone be working on a post with a level 2 book code in it.
Jen: Thanks! I'll let you know when I'm finished with the Old review
categories so you can axe them.
> Carolyn
> Who is far from bionic, but is nevertheless eyeing up the big
> paddle on the wall in case of mass insurrection..
No, no..too cozy around here. Free admission, live entertainment,
the occasional death-cage match between Kneasy and Talisman--what
more could you want?
Jen, who was in Girl Scouts, hated camping out, and now
considers "roughin' it" to be a night at a cheap hotel.
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