Another one.../have emailed Paul/Molly Weasley

annemehr annemehr at
Wed Mar 9 19:28:37 UTC 2005

> T: 
> I would never suggest that Rowling doesn't love her parents.  But, 
> Molly isn't Rowling's parents.  No character but Lockhart is a 
> direct caricature. (Albert Hall 2003) 
> I'm just saying that I'm not the only one who thinks she needs a 
> swift kick. Rowling's already given Molly a taste of the boot, and 
> she's likely to continue.

Agreed.  I only thought that Jo was writing Molly partly as you
describe, and partly sympathetically.  She might be two-dimensional,
but I don't find her completely one-dimensional.

And, coming full circle to the beginning of the conversation, I
wouldn't be at all surprised if Jo didn't intend for Molly to be taken
sympathetically in exactly some of the areas that drive readers into
rages.  Jo often seems to be taken aback at the reactions readers have
to her books.

As for swift kicks, they could stand to be distributed quite
generously throughout the roster, couldn't they?  Plenty of characters
I care about are sure to feel a few well-deserved ones.


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