Friendly Fire

snow15145 kking0731 at
Thu Mar 10 00:36:32 UTC 2005

Talisman snipped:

Reminds me of a poem I once penned, which I would gladly perform
should any of us ever find ourselves, gently intoxicated, in the
same corner of a darkening evening.

So you dabble in the poetry field as well. My husband and I started 
to write poems as a competition of who was better and it became an 
obsession with him to the degree of a web site. Mine aren't too bad 
but they seem to always end up being fitting of a Hallmark card. I've 
always loved reading poetry; maybe I could entice you to share?

Talisman snipped: When I was a Girl Scout.. .blah, blah, blah

Snow: Lucky you, all we did was sing Kumbaya and memorize the

Talisman: Luck had nothing to do with it. It was a coup d'état.
Every summer.

Sure, there were girls skipping off to the craft lodge to exchange
friendship sticks, but our noble cadre was belly-crawling up the
embankment, with a precious roll of plastic wrap (nicked at great
peril from the dining hall) just right for stretching over those
dimly lit latrine holes.

Ah, Camp Ledgewood, a little bit of heaven.


Ah! A girl with guts
didn't meet your type of independent personality 
til at least three years after my lame girl scouting experience. Our 
troop was so cheap we didn't go to a camping site; instead they had 
day camp for a week in the basement of the local church
not quite the 
type of atmosphere for a memorable good time. I did however 
experience camping, just not as a scout, and I do mean the roughing 
it type camping complete with spring water and duel outhouses that 
supplied you with insects of every variety for entertainment if you 
were bookless when the urge to withstand the stench overpowered you 
to the degree of choices. Those outhouses had locks on both sides of 
the door
so they were fun. I especially liked the snape hunts, and 
I'm not referring to Severus here, it's a prank where you encourage 
the other campers to go on a facetious hunt through the woods to find 
and attempt to capture a snape bird who only comes out at dusk. Booby 
traps are strategically placed for those gullible enough to make the 
attempt. You just can't fathom how many people you could sell the 
Brooklyn Bridge to. 

Snow- a recovering thinker who goes into relapse all the time

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