[HPFGU-Catalogue] Re: The Gilderoy Lockhart Report (*flourish*)

Ginger quigonginger at yahoo.com
Fri Mar 11 07:27:12 UTC 2005

Kathy W:
I see it now. Eva takes a name out, Anne puts it back in. I come along and take it out again....Ginger passes by and chops the entire post!!  OK that works.

You do the Hokey Pokey and you turn yourself about.....
Now, now, dear, I only take the weedwhacker to it if it is a SHIPPING post.  I don't do drive-by whackings.  Look at the SHIP section and I think you'll agree.  That which should be whacked is pretty clear.  
In the case of GL, I'd only whack the SHIP part of the post and leave the rest of the codings.  
I am enjoying Ships.  No such thing as ambiguity.  I can count on one hand those on which I have wavered.  Although I think it will be a long time before I can listen to the Commodores again.  And I've had "Come, Sail Away" running through my head.
Off to whack, Ginger

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