*SPAM?* [HPFGU-Catalogue] Re: 1.2.3 Literary Sources & Influences/ the drive-by back up

Barry Arrowsmith arrowsmithbt at btconnect.com
Fri Mar 11 16:25:26 UTC 2005

>  I haven't read Science Fiction in years. I lost interest when it
>  merged into fantasy. Does anyone still write pure science fiction?
>  Kathy W.

Hell's teeth, yes.
It went through the doldrums about 15 - 20 years back, about the time 
Niven went peculiar - but over the last ten years it's been 

Space opera flourishes (try David Weber for that), Lois McMaster Bujold 
still entertains with her Vorkosigan series (if you haven't  read it, 
start  at the beginning with 'Cordelia's Choice'), but over the past 
few years hard science fiction has made a comeback - Alistair Reynolds, 
Vernor Vinge  (his 'A Deepness in the Sky' is a cracker), Mary Russell 
- 'The Sparrow' - now that one's special. There's a whole new 
generation of writers out there, the problem is finding out  about 
them, no mainstream newspaper or magazine reviews their books.

On my shelves I've approx 1,200 SF titles (about 12 fantasy - and that 
includes the HP series) and I'd estimate 60% were first published in 
the last 7 years. Let me know what your tastes are and I'll recommend 
some titles for you to try. There's even (God help us) a series that 
has SHIPping as it's main theme. True love in the Spaceways. Ugh.

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