[HPFGU-Catalogue] Re: the drive-by back up or Adventures in SF/Fantasy Ignorance.

Barry Arrowsmith arrowsmithbt at btconnect.com
Sat Mar 12 11:39:46 UTC 2005

>  Yeah sorry, ok, the harder Gibson and the funny Stephenson then. I 
> don't
>  _think_ anyone's attacking Cryptonomicon-type material yet?! I guess 
> I fall
>  into the category of Near-Fi SF fandom; I don't think I ever 
> recovered from
>  the Phillip K. Dick vision. There's something I like about dirty 
> technology
>  and global warming :)

Neal Asher
Jon Courtenay Grimwood
Richard Morgan
Iain M. Banks
Bruce Sterling
Ken Macleod

might be  worth considering.
No utopias among that lot and Banks can  have a vicious sense of 
humour. (Note: the 'M.' is important - Iain Banks is the same writer 
but *not* with his SF hat on.)

Cryptonomican and the Baroque Cycle are rarities, but Mary Gentle has a 
couple of fantasy/SF cross-overs - 'Ash' an interleaving of a modern 
historian trying to determine why the  Dukedom of Burgundy went from 
major player to zilch in no time at all and 'actual' characters and 
action - or '1610 - A Sundial on a Grave' another that's difficult to 

Getting decent info on what's available - my advice is get 'Locus' - 
printed monthly with about 10 major reviews of SF releases and about 
the same number of minor reviews every  issue.

It's American but covers all countries and there's an Aussie 
distributor/subscription agent  who you  can contact for info or  
perhaps copies:

Justin Ackroyd
Slow Glass Books
P.O. Box 1208
Victoria 3053

or save money and visit their website


for a pretty good overview.

Hope that helps.


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