Hagrid Report/Bertha Jorkins Report

Sean Dwyer ewe2 at aardvark.net.au
Sat Mar 12 21:26:10 UTC 2005

Hagrid Report

IP: 544
FP: 501

I like this category. Full of over-and-under-estimation. Nothing points up
class attitudes like Hagrid, this one's a sociologists dream. A fair number of
posts hopeful that he'll stuff up, just as many dismissing him on the grounds
that he's stuffed up enough. As I said about the F&L cat, it was very
surprising that Hagrids role in this sense wasn't more analysed, and that
still puzzles me, simplistic as it might seem. Some almost tempting LotR
parallels, but the List just seems certain JKR will kill him off and there's
nothing much more to be said. Oh and he'll probably betray Harry before he is
bumped off. For all the hooplah over Snape, it's telling that you could drive
a haulpak through some of the assumptions here.

Special mention must go to post #28622 for possibly the worst acronym yet:

DOOKYHEAD (Don't Ostentatiously or Otherwise Kill Young Hagrid; Except maybe
After Dumbledore)

Says it all.

I'm about finished reviewing now. I've taken on Bertha Jorkins as a special

Bertha Jorkins

IP: 64
FP: 63

Very simple. Most of BJ is in roughly three threads and are sufficiently
on-topic. I did like #35329, Tabouli's take on who BJ saw behind the shed:
it's tidy enough to deserve being right.

So, dat's me done. Time to lay on my back in the shade of my pink umbrella on
the beach, sipping pina colada and tossing herring into my eager beak...

Sean (lazy penguin of dooom)

When all you have are foxes, everything looks like a henhouse.

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