[HPFGU-Catalogue] Ship/Character coding clarification please

Sean Dwyer ewe2 at aardvark.net.au
Mon Mar 14 15:25:49 UTC 2005

> Anne asked:
> What's our policy for SHIP posts?  Do we want them coded to the characters
> involved or do they belong *only* in SHIPping?

> Ginger replied:
> As to the general question, to code or not to code and where; here is the
> guideline I have been using in the Ship world.  Code the minimum to cover
> the basics. 
> How's that for vague?

Vague this is not. Sanity this is. Hmmm. You feel the power of the List.

> Ginger continued:
> In other words, if a post starts out saying "I like H/H" and then goes on to
> a character analysis of Harry, I dropped the ship. 
> If the post was only about H/H, and didn't add anything about the characters
> except why they belonged together (or didn't) then I kept the ship, but I
> noticed that any posts of this nature that involved Ron or Herm had already
> had the character dropped.  I assume Sean was thinking along the same lines
> as I was and had dropped them already.

Yes. We are trying to determine the point of a post, not how applicable it is.
The Trio is overcoded enough as it is. There is enough character analysis of
the Trio to satisfy anyone already. There are enough acronyms for each SHIP to
suit most conceivable positions. What is unique about the post? Will it be
useful to a researcher? Does it add to our understanding?

I strongly disagree with suggestions that we begin defining specific SHIP
couples. Madness that way lies. And it would take another three months with
all of us working on it. I'm afraid I would have to shoot everyone after the
first two days, and I am a penguin of peace.

> Did that make sense?  I'm trying to eat spaghetti and type at once.
> Ginger, who needs 3 more hands and another set of eyeballs.

As much sense as I just made after watching a Star Wars trailer. Small green
and grumpy I feel. Hmmm. Not a proper penguin at all.

May the List be with you.

When all you have are foxes, everything looks like a henhouse.

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