3.16.7 (Hogwarts General Curriculum and class

carolynwhite2 carolynwhite2 at aol.com
Thu Mar 17 15:11:25 UTC 2005

Kelly, in a really thorough review, wrote:

3.16.7 (Hogwarts General Curriculum and class subcodes) 

Also, before I start, I'll note that three of the classes listed
under 3.16.7 aren't actual Hogwarts classes: astrology, geomancy, and
numerology. And, as you'll see below, the existance of these
categories is unnecessary and only leads to confusion. I've emptied
all three, and I suggest they be scrapped.

Okay, here goes... Astrology
<snip coding crimes>

Ok! I will delete this astrology code and in future we will only use 
the one in symbolism. DADA


- If I have to read another post asking whether Snape really wants
the DADA post, I'll scream. So unless it really presents some
original ideas, send it to Adds Nothing New.

Bear in mind that Talisman might want the Snape post for, er, other 

3.16.7. Geomancy
Originally: 2 posts
Now: 0 posts


- nothing. Not a class, not even mentioned in canon as far as I


- The two posts here discussed geomantic symbolism in the names Albus
and Rubeus. I moved them both to 1.2.13 Symbolism.

Should these two in fact be in alchemy??? I will delete Geomancy from 
the class list. Numerology
Originally: 5 posts
Now: 0 posts


- nada, again not an actual Hogwarts class


- The posts here are all related to figuring out the exact topic of
study in Arithmancy class, based on Hermione's textbook, "Numerology
& Gramatica". Therefore, I moved these posts to Arithmancy.

Carolyn: I will delete Numerology from the class list, but should it 
be added as a heading within symbolism? I think it is a RL divination-
type subject isn't it?? Ancient Runes
Originally: 7 posts
Now: 5 posts


- What do they study? The symbols themselves? Norse, Celtic, insert
-your-favorite-runic-system? Divination?
- None yet, but when the Harry's-scar-is-a-rune thread starts, I
think this should be cross-coded to Harry's scar and this category.


- no problems

What happens vis-a-vis our Runes category in symbolism?? Riding broomsticks
Originally: 10 posts
Now: 7 posts

Side comment... Can this category be renamed to Flying class, or
something similar? It's how most people refer to the class, and a
little clearer in my mind.

Carolyn: will re-name as asked. I did ask for suggestions 
originally... Non-magical classes

- library etiquette (I feel like I shouldn't have to specify this

one, but, well, they were there...)

My fault I think. It was before we added the library sub-code in 
under Hogwart's layout - did you move them to there?

Well, that's it. Unless there's another category you'd like reviewed,
I'll go back to cataloguing.

Any chance of arm-twisting you to sort out more of the Hogwarts 
section, now you've made this start??

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