[HPFGU-Catalogue] Replies

Sean Dwyer ewe2 at aardvark.net.au
Wed Mar 23 11:42:57 UTC 2005

On Wed, Mar 23, 2005 at 10:33:29AM -0000, CarolynWhite2 wrote:

> C: I'm no filker, as everyone knows, but this reminded me that there 
> is a new series of Dr Who starting Saturday. Do you all know it 
> outside the UK? Timelords, the Tardis, Cybermen and Daleks? Cult 
> watching when I was young, with all the special effects made out of 
> cardboard boxes and sink plungers more or less. Bet the new series 
> ruins it all...

Oh yes indeed, staple diet of childhood teev here in Oz. It quite scared me as
a child. I've actually seen the pilot episode (generally regarded as a
deliberate leak) and Christopher Eccleston keeps up the Who tradition of
daftness (scary Northern daftness I assume), but Billie Piper as Rose is a bit
of a dolly-bird with a rather unconvincing backstory. But I wish the new
series well, after a 10-year wait and an unsatisfying movie, it's been a LONG
time coming.

> Carolyn:
> I'm finding it quite useful to do a bit of coding and a bit of 
> reviewing together. It really makes you mean about categories, or 
> whether to code at all. 

It's actually easier to be tough when reviewing, not so when coding. But after
a few hundred posts I'm getting the balance back, and yes, there's a lot of
stuff that can't pass the Useful Test. But in that process, your HP knowledge
is really tested. I had no idea for instance that there were that many
mistakes in the edition (my 1st edition OotP is riddled with them), and some
of that has led to bad List theory or at the least continuing confusion. I
strongly recommend a trip to mugglenet.com and getting the lists of mistakes
in the books. A whole thread on Hagrid and the motorbike was wasted on one
such mistake, only cleared up when the US/British versions were compared.

> Sean - some more posts: 43501-43600


> I am only doling them out in small chunks because I think it is quite 
> important to get different people to work on different parts of 
> threads. Avoids bias, enables sharing of opinions on how things ought 
> to be coded.

Aww ok, there was me hoping I'd get to kill entire threads muhahaha.

When all you have are foxes, everything looks like a henhouse.

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