Bloated Characters Was:Re: Choc.. and more choc, wow...

annemehr annemehr at
Wed Mar 23 20:58:30 UTC 2005

> Carolyn:
> Pretty much the only approach I can think of, as well. The only 
> refinement is that I will probably start to implement the decisions 
> as soon as the categories stabilise, and not wait until I have read 
> all of them. The thought of having to read the entire lot again in 
> order to reject is too much, and if you start to have sections with 
> some clearly defined types of post in them, it's easier to quickly 
> refresh your mind what the distinction's are that you are trying to 
> maintain.

I don't think I'll have to read through them again, as I'm reading
them pretty carefully the first time, and my categories are very
specific.  As I have each listed by post number, all I'll have to do
is bring each up and recode without rereading, as soon as I've decided
how to meld them into their final categories.

> But now Kneasy's put up a fascinating post, and I'm torn between 
> answering that and carrying on with this, which since both are about 
> the same topic is an interesting multi-tasking dilemma.

I started that one, but realised I don't have time to do it justice
yet.  Besides, there's a mail from Talisman I need to answer...

Maybe tonight.

I'm really missing HPfGU, though -- it can be sooo much fun to be the
fox among the chickens...


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