A Code Too Far

Sean Dwyer ewe2 at aardvark.net.au
Fri Mar 25 12:42:26 UTC 2005

Having shocked the list into silence with my Goon impressions, I give you:


19 rejects

This lot had a rash of FILKS, my favourite being #43638, a very funny Grease
parody, honourable mention goes to #43693 for It's My Bathroom and I'll Cry If
I Want To, that old Moaning Gore classic. Most of the rejects was the by now
extremely silly Heir of Slytherin debate. Much of the batch was taken up by
the continuing barney over JKR's battery of deux ex machina and the
proliferating differences between the editions including differences between
two UK editions and the Canadian version!

One post #43610 is an amazing prediction of OotP based on the simple premise
that all the fortune-telling themes had to add up to something and Voldy saw
Harry as a threat by some means of divination. Not bad you say, but there's
more, I quote: "I think we will continue to see a recurrence of the theme that
the future is shaped by our actions rather than set in stone, which will lead
up to Voldemorts critical misreading of the future and his ultimate demise."
What do you make of that, Kneasy old chum?

Where's everybody gone?

When all you have are foxes, everything looks like a henhouse.

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