Tine question

quigonginger quigonginger at yahoo.com
Sat Mar 26 14:39:57 UTC 2005

Hi all, Ginger here, back after a bit of an absence.  Fell on the 
ice, landed on my buttocks, threw out my back and hip.  I'm walking 
upright and can sit in the computer chair again.  I won't lie and say 
I didn't enjoy a couple of days lounging in the recliner rather than 

On to the time question:

There's "time turner" and "time travel".  Time turner contains post 
about the functioning of the time turner itself.  Time travel 
contains posts about various theories scientists and authors have 
used.  So far, so good.  

My problem is that both contain posts on the events of Harry and 
Herm's time travel adventure.  Both contain the various explanations 
on how Harry could save himself.  Both contain discussions on whether 
or not Herm has aged.  As far as I have seen, none are crosscoded to 
each other.  This leads me to believe that we have different 
expectations.  The "time travel" category has a vague definition, and 
the "time turner" category has none.  

Since I can't sit comfortably for any long periods of time yet (next 
week- keep fingers crossed), this seems like a good time to poll the 
group to see which sections people feel these posts belong in before 
I do any major work here.

Or do we need a third category called H/H/H/H's great adventure?  
Just kidding on the title.

I have found time-turning very useful in navigating the new set-up on 
the site.  Just go back in time to when each post was posted, and 
keep reading the first one.  Other than that, it's a bit of a 
challenge.  At least it hasn't effected out coding tool (that I can 

Ginger, off to recline and down pain pills.
Blessed Easter to all who are celebrating.  

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