[HPFGU-Catalogue] MWPP/Rosicrucianism/characters' ages/gays/socialist collectives
elfundeb at comcast.net
elfundeb at comcast.net
Sun May 8 12:03:01 UTC 2005
> Yes, rest assured that anything that is rejected in the review
> process is picked up in those stats. I am surprised that the rate is
> continuing to fall - I'd hoped we'd all be much more ruthless after
> the review experience.
I'm surprised too, but I'm finding that while we're rejecting more posts (the reject rate of my last batch did exceed the overall rate, but not by much), our new ruthlessness is seen more in the number of codes per post, which has dropped dramatically.
> Now people - pay attention to this - which would you prefer? My
> preference, like Kathy, is for putting the character's ages posts
> with the character, but within their own mini-subhead under the
> character main head, so they don't get lost.
I like this solution.
> My question is this: should we separate gender from sexual
> orientation? The flavor of the gender posts (are there strong
> female characters, could Harry have been written as a female, is the
> WW sexist, etc.) is quite different than the flavor of the gay
> character posts, which all center on whether she would write such a
> character and how it could be done without offending the religious
> right.
> Carolyn:
> My vote is yes - it was a stopgap solution that needs sorting out;
> the two things are quite different as you say. BTW, if we create a
> new sexual orientation category in section 1, there is a subset in
> WW - 3.4.5 - which should probably be merged with it. Also, how would
> the new section relate to 2.17.4 Gay SHIPs (Ginger??)
Ok, I've looked at 3.4.5, and it is exactly the same discussion that is in So the simple solution would be to move 3.4.5 to Characterization and move the gay character posts from to that category. That would work quite well. A post about WW attitudes toward gays could go under 3.2.6 (bigotry); I think that would cover it.
I think we should leave 2.17.4 alone and use it for posts proposing a gay ship.
> But can someone tell me why Marianne is wearing *Victorian* attire at
> Norland Park?
> Carolyn:
> Where does it say that? I can only find the bit where she pulls on
> her leather flying helmet and goggles...
"There was a light breeze and in front of the house a long girl dressed in a Victorian dress, bonnet and shawl. She walked slowly, gazing fondly at the --" and at this point Cordelia interrupts.
> ..& who wouldn't like to read the lost Jane Austen ms, 'Confusion and
> Conviviality' which got taken over by a socialist collective of
> characters insisting on equal page time
I think Jane herself might have been excessively diverted by it.
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