Multiple Posts

Jen Reese stevejjen at
Mon May 16 13:11:29 UTC 2005

I'm doing my GOF review and wondering again about the multiple 
posts, most often written by Catlady.

The truth is, many of the individual sections in each post would 
*not* be coded in a stand-alone post. The information is too brief, 
or refers to past discussions or would simply be coded to FAQ/Adds 
nothing new.

I'm running across many of these posts in chapter discussions, and 
have uncoded a few entirely and rejected them because there's just 
nothing new in each individual section, even if the post is massive.

Is this another area where we need to partition the posts in a 
separate area like Hans in Rosicrucian? I know that could come 
across as discriminatory to Catlady specifically, but it also 
doesn't seem fair when some of these posts get more than their due, 
alongside people who take one issue and write a lengthy analysis.

I'm willing to take on a review of the Multiple Posts section where 
some of the posts are left coded to various topics so Catlady's 
contribution to the list can be heard and recognized. But ones that 
really don't add much new, or there's only one new topic in a list 
of FAQ's, would stay coded only to the Multiple posts section.

What do you guys think?

Jen "Catalogue Launch June 2005--We Can Do It!!!" Reese

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