[HPFGU-Catalogue] Re: multiple posts& Sean

ewe2 ewe2 at 4dot0.net
Sat May 21 19:58:41 UTC 2005

On Sat, May 21, 2005 at 11:44:27AM -0700, Ginger wrote:

> Jen: That works for me. I've still been trying to code the bulk of the post,
> but this approach is better. Well, except for the end-user who has to scroll
> through the entire post to find the one tidbit coded to a category, but they
> can just pass it by if it's not worth the time. 

That way lies madness IMHO. I firmly believe that unless you have serial
multiposters (e.g. Catlady who seems incapable of a one-topic post), what you
may miss in the asking of a question at the bottom of a post you'll gain in
the replies. But if it isn't impeding your flow, that's ok. I just don't see a
lot of value in the extra effort.

Now I *know* this is going to sound terrible, but should we not have a way of
keeping track of what's been gone over in perpetual circles so that coders can
be warned not to bother with particular threads unless they have a new slant
on particular matters? I don't know how that can be accomplished by reviewers
but it would be helpful if some sort of tally of the kinds of arguments could
be maintained for everyone's sanity.  This is probably a meta-meta-job after
the bulk of the review process is over with, but it could be a time-saver.

> Ginger:  Maybe I'm getting oldgetful in my foreage, but I had thought I
> heard something (outside my own head) about multiposts, and how the relevant
> section would be highlighted in the final product so people could just
> scroll down.  It might be just me, though.

I am now fervently glad I'm not coding *that* particular interface.

> Sean: 
> > I must apologize for my relative absence for the last few weeks:
> > the unexpected death of my landlord and change as carer has thrown
> > my life into chaos and deep sadness, and not even the literary
> > smell of burning Havisham can alter the fact that my circumstances
> > are decidedly unstable. 
> Jen: Sean, I'm so sorry for the upheaval in your life and glad to 
> see you back at the same time. Somehow the balance wasn't the same 
> without the penguin around. ;)

Nice to know that penguins are still wanted...sniff :) But I'm afraid the only
balance I retain is due to the chips on both shoulders heh.
> Ginger:  I add my condolences and also note that the productivity suffered
> as well as the balance.  Good to have you back on all counts.

Thanks Ginger, but from the catalogue db I see you have been outstripping all
in terms of productivity, quite frightening really. I don't predict a sharp
rise in my own productivity either, but I'm going to try to keep up.



sed awk grep cat dd ..Im a luser baby ,so why don't you killall -kill me.

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