Sirius Review
kking0731 at
Sun May 22 18:41:05 UTC 2005
Sirius Review:
The Sirius Category (including the subcategories)
originally had 1315 posts. By the end of this review
the main heading 2.2.1 alone had grown to 1350 posts.
This main heading will be shaved to a final 1036 posts.
There are 121 posts that will be transferred to the new
Marauders category as they speak more of the marauders
collectively than any individual marauder.
There are 149 posts that will be removed from the Sirius
category due to mere mention or that the posts' subject
point was not about Sirius.
There were 13 posts that will be rejected as they had
nothing new to discuss.
There were 31 posts that will be removed and placed
solely under Chapter Headings. These posts were
Chapter Discussion questions, and answers, that dealt
with many subjects under a particular Chapter Heading.
There were 27 posts that needed to be reviewed and/or
have particulars added such as Multiple Post, which
will be appropriately deposited in the Review bin.
Sirius Sub-categories through
originally had 53 posts. It will now have 48.
Some of the following categories have yet to have
posts ticked to them because the acronym was not
invented until after post 60,000 or better.
Two of the Sub-categories could be eliminated,
FOPF and SIDS. (discussed further under each topic)
Some acronym definitions were retrieved from
Inish Alley.
********* ACCUSER (No Posts)
"Attributing Countless Causes
Underlying Sirius' Eternal Rest" BAD NEWS (No Posts)
"Buddy Acts Dumbly Needling
Evil Wizard of Slytherin" BLAME SIRIUS (One Post)
"Badly Led Astray, Moonlit and Excommunicated:
Surely Implicating Remus Is Unjust Slander" CUPID'S BLUDGER (Had 24 posts now has 20)
"Contrary to Unrequited Passion Infelicitously
Devouring Severus, Black's Love of Unknown Damsel
Gets Expected Response" CUPID'S QUAFFLE (Five Posts)
"Cruelly Undermining Proud, Infatuated Damsel,
Sirius Quickened Underage, Awkward Feminist
Florence's Lapse into Evil" CUPID'S SNITCH (Nine Posts)
This acronym never had a truly formed
definition, so I copied Elkins reply
as to what CUPID'S SNITCH meant:
"Cupid's Snitch was a direct response to
Cindy's plea for some extra motivation
for Sirius' Prank, and for Sirius and
Snape's mutual loathing -- preferably
one that would somehow involve the
Unknown Damsel Florence." FOPF "Fans of Padfoot" (No posts)
This is a general way in which to state a
group of people who are Sirius Fans. It is
an abbreviation, somewhat like Dumbledore
is DD, more so than an acronym, which has
a theory based definition. This category
could be deleted. UNVEILS (No Posts)
"Unintended Nondead Veil Entrance
Ignores Living Sirius" SAD DENIAL (No Posts)
"Sirius' Awful Death Didn't End
Neatly: It's A Lie!" SIDS "Sirius Is Dead Sexy" (No Posts)
This is a general way in which to state that
Sirius is dead sexy. This category could be deleted
or (cringe) I could go back over all the posts
to find the ones that speak of Dead Sexy Sirius.
There was one post under this heading that I vote
to delete to this category unless I am to look up
all posts related to Dead Sexy Sirius. There are
a few but I don't think they need their own
category. Again, it seems to be more of an
abbreviation than an acronym. SINISTER (10 Posts)
"Sirius Is not Nutters; Instead, Sirius
Tried to do Everything Right" SOIL HOCKEY (Three Posts)
"Sirius Obtains Information at Lupin's Hand.
Old Crowd Klatches Entire Year." STATICSCAP (One Post)
"Sirius' Trick Aimed To Instruct Callous
Snape About Prejudice" STUFFED BEAR (No Posts)
"Sirius: True Unselfish Friend For Ever!
Deserves Better End And Revival!" AIRSHIP FANCY (No Posts)
"Any Ingenious Resurrection Sirius Has
Is Problematic, Fans Absolutely Need
Cathartic Yielding"
KathySnow almost ready to due my part in
coding quest 61393!
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