What to do..the way forward??

annemehr annemehr at yahoo.com
Thu Nov 3 02:50:47 UTC 2005

> Dot:
> Adding my excuses to those of others. I'm still intending to be 
> useful, though slow. My lack of progress is mostly due to being bone 
> idle, and the recent discovery of Bruce Mathiske (a much better 
> guitarist than Macca) has distracted me from HP stuff, and re-routed 
> most of my spare time towards playing the clarinet again and 
> arranging some duos of pieces I like. 

Hey!  I play clarinet, too.  In fact, I joined a symphonic band this
fall and we just had our first concert and one of our pieces was music
from HP and the conductor went on and *on* about how these books are
looked down upon as being just for kids but really they're going to be

Right.  Anyway, Carolyn, I'm in!

giving Dot a good kicking

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