[HPFGU-Catalogue] Re: another done

Ginger quigonginger at yahoo.com
Tue Nov 29 21:23:00 UTC 2005


Kathy W:
Here's the before review numbers. I've done 1.2.11 and will be moving a 
few posts into the other groups. Some of the ones I move might be 
rejected when that catagory is reviewed, but for the moment do not 
belong in 1.2.11. Should be done with that process today. 

I haven't started on any of the others. Would you like to take any of 
> > 1.2.11 Group Dynamics  24
> > Weasleys      324
> > Blacks         8
> > Dursleys      207
> > Potters        31
> > Malfoys       102
> > Crouches       25
> > Trio          361
> > MWPP          165

Carolyn, I think you should add Snapes or Prince/Snapes. There 
is a current thread at HPFGU that will fit here. And I think many of 
the OoP Occulmency threads "Shouting Man/Cowering Woman" might fit here 

Ginger says:
  I agree with the proposition for a Prince/Snape category.  The Snape category is probably big enough as it is ;)
  I'll take the Malfoys for now.  I did Draco and Cissy, so I have already seen a lot of them.  I'll take more later.  Perhaps we can just let each other know when we start one and edit the database as we go to make sure we aren't crossing paths?  I should be able to do the Malfoys this weekend.  Only 102 posts!  Should be a breeze after that last chunk.
  Ginger, who just discovered that her snow shovel is in the metal shed, which is now coated with ice.  Perhaps a new shovel is in order.

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