Catalogue Update for MEG, 1st October 2005

carolynwhite2 carolynwhite2 at
Sat Oct 1 17:08:37 UTC 2005

Would one of you passing elves pick this up and take over to MEG?


68599 posts catalogued in total
40759 posts rejected in total (59.4%)
79 of 106 sections reviewed

In July we reached post 61393 on the main list, the last post before 
publication of OOP. The whole group then stopped coding and 
concentrated on reviewing every category within our database. We 
divided the categories into 106 sections, and have currently 
completed nearly 75% of the sections. However, there was a long break 
in activity following publication of HBP in July and the group has 
only begun to get back to work in September.

There are currently 22 people in the group, of which about half are 
active in reviewing posts.

Our two key techies, Paul & Tim, are now free to work on the project, 
and are undertaking a number of things at the moment:

- Paul is moving the catalogue database to a temporary home on a 
FictionAlley test server, courtesy of Heidi. This is expected to be 
completed sometime early October.
- Paul is considering buying the domain name '', as Yahoo 
has a special offer on at the moment, with a view to using it to host 
the project, tentative domain address:
- Tim has a copy of the current database and is working on producing 
a second/third iteration of the user interface design.
-Tim is contacting a colleague who helped with the Accio website, to 
see if she is interested in helping with web design.

As the future of the whole project is completely dependent on these 
techie initiatives, the group is simply crossing collective fingers 
and hoping that the work will be completed soon.

Our general plan is now as follows:

- finish reviews of pre-OOP posts
- beta test catalogue interface (when written) with members of 
catalogue group and HPfGU MEG members
- finalise server locations/funding with agreement of MEG - this 
project requires a heavy-traffic solution; we need to discuss how and 
who will pay for this
- launch this part of catalogue to HPfGU membership
- continue working on cataloguing post-OOP posts on a copy of the 
- intermittantly launching updates of the database to the membership 
as we complete new sections


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