Humungous update, Sunday 18th September

potioncat willsonkmom at
Thu Oct 6 19:10:42 UTC 2005

 Carolyn wrote:
> Based on the decisions recorded in those Word files, I have brought 
> my section-by-section crib sheet up to date, and compared it with 
> the 'Review allocation database', and find that although we are 
> showing 80 sections as finished in our database, in fact there are 
> some sub-sections within those groups marked as done which may have 
> been missed. I think this is because we've made changes to the 107 
> sections that we initially sub-divide that list into, and bits have 
> got left out. To follow my analysis listed below, please take a look 
> at whichever of these files you can open:
> Current Categories, Excel Sept 05
> Current Categories, Word Sept 05

Kathy W
So, this file has the most up to date list of whether anyone is 
reviewing a particular section? This is the one we should choose from? 
I see that it's different from the other allocation list.

I'm ready to sign up for a new batch. Is there a particular area that 
you'd like to hit first, or should we just choose a topic?

I went through and updated the database with newest definitions for my 
batches. I think I did all them, assuming we don't need a definition 
for the characters.

I updated and wrote EDITED on the ones which have new definitions. I 
deleted the couple of ones which you've already removed from the main 
list. However, I didn't know how to add the two codes you added to the 
main list.

2.12.7 Characters from cards and calendar
3.14.3 Other games

Or for matter, do you even need a definition for these or need to add 
them to the allocation list?

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