
quigonginger quigonginger at
Thu Sep 1 12:29:29 UTC 2005

Ginger smiles and hands in her finished project.

Magic travel: was 598, now 342

My only comment is about portkeys.  There were a lot of "why didn't 
Moody use a fillintheblank, which could have been used at any time, 
rather than using the cup?"

If the discussion was about turning an object into a portkey, I kept 
it.  If it was about what LV intended to do had he defeated Harry, 
and had precious little to do with portkeys, I uncoded it.  The ones 
I uncoded were all coded to places that were more appropriate.  It 
was kind of a fine line, and I erred on the side of keeping them.  

Oh, yes, and re: apparating and disappatating- you can't do it at 
Hogwarts.  Hermione says so.  It's in Hogwarts: A History.  We know 
that.  No need to code any more posts that say that in their entirety.
It's kind of like Lupin means wolf.

I will now endeavour to review Magical Items, unless anyone objects.

Unless I am mistaken, the remaining topics yet to be reviewed are:

Pronunciation/Speech patterns
Symbolism and Runes (some of which has been done by Laurasia-check 
the database)
Morality vs Immorality
Death/Burial practices
Parenting/ Maturity vs immaturity
WW Health through Media (note that Dot has done squibs)
Bravery/Cowerdace and fear
Geographic locations


Ginger, noting that we're getting close!

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