[HPFGU-Catalogue] Re: Catching up..

Barry Arrowsmith arrowsmithbt at btconnect.com
Sun Sep 4 17:37:01 UTC 2005

> Carolyn:
> Alas no, I don't know Connie Willis, will investigate on Amazon. I am
> in dire need of reading material for the long hikes across London
> every day.

Briefly unlurking.

Connie Willis - v.g.

'Doomsday Book' - probably her best known (won both Hugo and Nebula  
Awards - not that that'll mean much to non-SF fans.) Time-travel but  
several cuts above the average. Things go wrong, both now and then.  
Set in Oxford Uni and historians don't come out of it well.

'Bellwether' is sort of a satire - and everybody has endured somebody  
like Flip at some time or another. Mostly plot revolves around  
academics scrabbling for grant money. Very enjoyable.

Personally, I'd rate both of these above 'To say nothing of the Dog',  
but what do I know?

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