[HPFGU-Catalogue] From Kelly - re also disaster news

Ginger quigonginger at yahoo.com
Thu Sep 8 20:22:05 UTC 2005

carolynwhite2 <carolynwhite2 at aol.com> wrote:
Kelly emailed me this this morning. I thought she lived over towards 
Miami, but do any of you know anything more specific about what has 
happened in Long Beach that I can forward to her?


I'm afraid I have nothing to forward, but I did see an article.  Had I known Kelly was from there, I'd have saved it, but I only noticed Long Beach as I have cousins in Long Beach, Calif, so it caught my eye.  I do remember that it didn't look good at all.

Kelly, I'm glad you weren't there, and that you're ok, but I'm also sorry to hear about your losses.  Take care of yourself.

Ginger, amazed that Kelly has kept her sense of humour and astounded by her discovery that Lupin means wolf.

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