Toys and Games

potioncat willsonkmom at
Mon Sep 12 18:10:49 UTC 2005

3.14 Toys and Games has no posts. I guess that's how it's supposed to 
be, but we should re-think this

3.14.1 Wizard Chess had 49, will take down to 39. Some of these are 
stictly wizard chess: rules, expamples etc. Some have to do 
specifically with the game played to get to the stone. Some of those 
are still rules, but some are metaphors for the HP series or used as a 
clue for how the series will turn out. It's the Ron sacrificed himself 
as a knight therefore.... or Hermione was a castle and that means....

I thought I'd coded a lot of posts here that were metaphor, but I 
don't see so many. It's about 10 posts. Maybe I'm recalling posts I 
read on the main list that hadn't been coded yet. 

3.14.2 Fireworks has 1 will drop to 0. (Fireworks aren't mentioned at 
all!) Was this heading created for the Weasley fireworks in OoP?

My question, and you all knew I had one, is: do you want 3.14.1 to 
keep all chess related topics? OR is this category simply for straight 
forward posts about chess games? 

Can we move posts about games in general to 3.14? There are around 5, 
but I think it will go up when we get to HBP. Right now they are in 



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