From Kelly/section & trashed apartment
carolynwhite2 at
Sat Sep 17 22:30:54 UTC 2005
Hello again. Finished another categoy (actually, four categories)...
comments below. I've attached .csv files for all except the GRIMS
category, since it only contained one post, and I've commented below
on my confusion with that one post. In addition to my normal
markers, I marked a few of the posts with "sh", for Stoned!Harry.
I'd like some group input on what to do with those posts (see below).
On the hurricane front, I've finally gotten some news. My cat was
evacuated safe and sound, and is now on her way to my sister's, so
that was very good news. My apartment, well, not so much. I've
attached a picture, just for shock value [Note from CW: posted in
file section]. I knew from the reports I had been getting that my
apartment was doomed, but even so, my jaw hit the ground when my dad
sent me that picture. Never underestimate the power of lots o'
water. Luckily, it looks like my insurance should cover most of what
I lost.
Okay, on to the review...
This first comment will apply to all symbolism categories. I'm
undecided what to do about Stoned!Harry posts. Since this theory is
so symbolism-based, most posts carry multiple symbolism
subcategories: colours, green, red, wood, metal, and alchemy &
Rosicrucianism. I was thinking it might be easier to simply remove
all the symbolism codes, since the Stoned!Harry code itself implies
the link. For now, I've left them as they are, pending a group
decision. Any thoughts?
Moving on to the Colors (pardon, Colours) category. I don't know if
this problem only exists in my version of the catelogue, but I have
two's: Green and GRIMS. They seem to peacefully coexist,
but perhaps it should be fixed? Colours
Originally: 36
Now: 27
Discussion of colors and color symbolism, not specifically focused on
red and/or green. If red and/or green is the main topic of the post
(even if other colors, usually gold and silver, are also mentioned),
keep the post in the subcategories. However, if red/green are
mentioned in equal weight to other colors (i.e. discussion of all
house colors), use only the main category. (a) Green
Originally: 70
Now: 62
Discussion and lists of all things green.
Many of the posts here disucssed the significance of Harry's green
eyes. Because Harry's eyes is a pretty recent creation, few
of the posts I came across carried this category. I decided to keep
those posts in but also to add the code. Some
carried the main 2.5.1 Harry Potter code, but those may have been
moved to in the Harry review, which isn't reflected in my
version of the catalogue; I didn't touch these, just noted that the
eyes category should be added.
About 20 of the posts here were part of the "All things green" St.
Patrick's Day contest to list five quotes from the series referencing
the color green. No discussion, but a handy list. (b) GRIMS
Originally: 1
Now: 0?
What does this acronym stand for? The one post here was about
Harry/Voldemort yin-yang symbolism, and included some red-green
discussion, but never mentioned the acronym. Perhaps it was coined
later? Or was mistakenly placed here due to the double use of the
category number? Red
Originally: 40
Now: 35
Discussion and lists of all things red, especially Gryffindor,
Voldy's eyes, and hair. Much discussion in conjunction with green;
these posts are dual coded to the two color subcategories (but not to
the main Colours heading).
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