Update, Sunday 25th September

carolynwhite2 carolynwhite2 at aol.com
Sun Sep 25 17:39:11 UTC 2005

As of today, we have coded 68600 and rejected 40715, which brings our 
reject rate up another notch to 59.3%.

I have brought the three revised definition files up to date with 
this week's decisions and uploaded them to our files sections. These 
are the ones called:

Revised Definitions, Section 1 Text Analysis
Revised Definitions, Section 2 Character Analysis
Revised Definitions, Section 3 Wizarding World

I have also done some more work on the lists of categories and 
uploaded new versions in both Word and Excel formats. These are the 
ones called:

Current Categories Word 25th September
Current Categories Excel 25th September

These two last files now exactly reflect the content which is in the:

Review Allocations Database

and especially a new numbering system. I have gone all the way 
through that database and given each section a number from 1-106. I 
have also checked and corrected which sub-sections are covered within 
each of those numbered sections, as they had got a bit out of date.

As a result of all that, it seems that we have definitely done 77 out 
of 106 sections, but there are some queries outstanding, see below. 
Some of these I raised last week.

(I am using the new numbered blocks - please see dbase for more info)

GROUP 1 (Good n' evil)
Still waiting to hear back from Dicentra as to whether she included 
sub-sections,, and in her review. I 
think she did, but want to double-check. If so, that section is 

GROUP 6 (Class system, bigotry & prejudice)
Debbie - sub-section needs to be emptied, then I can delete it

Do I need to empty it? I think I've moved all the posts that need to 
be moved; the remaining posts just need the category deleted. Do I 
need to do it by hand?

I could ask Paul to do it, but it takes him a while to get around to 
such requests. I'll email him tonight and see what happens.

Carolyn (again):
Snaggette. If he does this automatically, any post that ends up with 
no coding as a result will not be rejected properly - ie, a reject 
code selected and the reject button ticked. It would probably be 
quicker to do it by hand to make sure things happen correctly. I just 
had to re-check 127 posts where we'd tried to do the same thing for 
Kathy (1.2.12 Calculating characters ages). Ok now, but the auto 
option didn't save much time overall.

GROUP 13 (Authorial intent etc)
This is finished apart from a re-check of ESE!, as we have 

GROUP 17 (Back History)
This is nearly finished, but I don't think and were 
included when it was done. They need rechecking by someone - 

GROUP 21 (Characterisation, Pt II)
I wasn't sure whether it was Debbie or Jen who was down to do Psychological assessments, but once it is done, that group 
is also finished.

GROUP 22 (Group Dynamics)
Please note that whoever picks up this section that KathyK has 
already done two bits of it - 1.2.11 and, but they may need 
re-checking once the sort out of the complete section is finished.

GROUP 53 (Argus Filch)
Magda has partly done this and sent me a list of post numbers with 
suggestions. However, our technology defeated her in implementing 
them - would anyone like to pick this up and finish it? It's about a 
100 posts.

GROUP 86 (WW History/Law & Order)
Please note whoever picks this up that Doug has done section 3.1.1 
Pre-1900 history

GROUP 87 (Health & Physiology/Bloodlines & Inheritance/Quidditch/WW 
Culture & Media)
Ginger, I think you have volunteered for this section, but just 
wanted to alert you to the fact that three sections have had other 
people working on them recently: Squibs (Dot)
3.5.4 Blood protection at Privet Drive (Dot)
3.6.3 Hogwart's Quidditch Teams (Kelly)

If you look in the Revised Definitions file (Section 3), you'll see 
the notes of the discussion.

GROUP 102 (Differences between editions)
Debbie, re our discussion about the new category Grammar, 
capitalisation and punctuation, I wondered if you should double check 
what Jo had put into capitalisation and punctuation in this 
section. There looks to be some potential overlap.

GROUP 104 (JKR Interviews & comments)
I need to double-check with Barry that he did all the sub-sections in 
this Group.

... I think that's everything for this week!


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