Update, Sunday 25th September

Jen Reese stevejjen at earthlink.net
Mon Sep 26 02:51:43 UTC 2005

> GROUP 21 (Characterisation, Pt II)
> I wasn't sure whether it was Debbie or Jen who was down to do 
> Psychological assessments, but once it is done, that 
> is also finished.

Jen: That's my section, but what happened to the rest of the 
categories? I was down for sections 1.2.10- as of last week, 
but you're saying I only need to complete psychological assessments? 
(I can't get into the catalogue at the moment to check exactly which 
categories were left to do).

> GROUP 53 (Argus Filch)
> Magda has partly done this and sent me a list of post numbers with 
> suggestions. However, our technology defeated her in implementing 
> them - would anyone like to pick this up and finish it? It's about
> a 100 posts.

Jen: I can do this one, just send me the post numbers.

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