Weasleys, Blacks and coding

potioncat willsonkmom at msn.com
Tue Feb 28 15:12:24 UTC 2006

Potioncat looks up to see Miss heading for the office. The coffee is 
hot, water is heating for tea, the donuts are fresh and the lists at 
TOC and TOL are caught up, but not much progress had been made on the 
Weasleys...make that no progress has been made on the Weasleys. What 
to do? What to do? Potioncat gets a brilliant idea. 

Miss steps in the door and Potioncat calls out cheerfully, but trying 
to look a bit worn too, "Good news, another category completed! I've 
taken care of the Black family dynamics."  

Miss beams and Potioncat adds too softly for Miss to hear, "all 8 

I also deleted a few other codes, completely rejecting some of the 
posts. The codes weren't actually under my authority, but the posts 
were one-liners.

I've less than 100 posts to read in the Weasley category, then I'll 
start chopping. Quite a few will be going. There are a hell of a lot 
of 7th sons. But I was amused that someone at TOL or TOC noticed a 
Septimus Weasley on the Black tree...Septimus "meaning" 7th son. 
Looks like JKR  heard the theory too.

As far as coding goes...I'd vote against it. Not sure how many 
categories are left to review, but I'd rather we take care of them 
first. I guess it depends on how the posts will be sent to the Public 
Catalogue. Can we really open it without Snape?

If we are going to start coding, I think we need a cut off for the 
reviewer who will be coming along. For expample, we'd need to know 
the last current post in the Potter dynamics category before someone 
started adding posts. Or we need to know what the highest possible 
pre OoP post is...I guess that's really the same thing, isn't it?

Because I'm very, very slow at reviewing these days, anyone who wants 
to can sign up for a group dynamic category. Ginger has finished some 
and I've done some. They're noted on the allocation database. I'm 
working on Weasleys now.

It's been a while since I read the ideas on the Snape category. Maybe 
we should all look it over and start a discussion. What we need is a 
goal...and a slogun....That'll do the trick! Where's Jen? She's good 
at that sort of thing.

Potioncat, HBP (half-baked planner)

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