Weasleys, Blacks and coding

Jen Reese stevejjen at earthlink.net
Wed Mar 1 05:02:52 UTC 2006

Jen slumps over her computer, her spirit dampened for a moment. 
DelayedGratification!Debbie and Rational!Potioncat have vetoed the 
idea of starting to code again before finishing the review. Jen knows 
they're *right* and all that, it would be a royal *mess*, but 
still....suddenly, Jen hears something to brighten her day:

"What we need is a goal...and a slogun....That'll do the trick! 
Where's Jen? She's good at that sort of thing."

A slogan, of course! That could do the trick, external motivation 
leading to internal rewards. Or was that internal motivation leading 
to....? Never mind. "I know, I know!!" Jen jumps up and down, waving 
her hand in the air like an overeager Hermione. *Clears throat for 
emphasis*. "Snape, Snape, he's our man, if we can finish him, the 
project's in the can!"

She looks around at the odd expressions of her fellow cataloguers, 
smiles frozen in place. "You know, in the can like a completed film? 
So then we can code some more?" A few people nod politely, others roll 
their eyes and turn back to the doughnuts, obviously finding a sugar 
high more exciting than Jen's new slogan. Talisman appears to be 
daydreaming, probably considering the possibilities of the 
phrase 'finishing Snape' in her gutter mind.

Undaunted, Jen taps a pencil against her head and tries again, "Only 
86,000 posts to go and counting!!" she shouts with enthusiasm. This 
slogan is met with outright frowns and grumbling to the point Jen 
considers retiring to her cupboard and actually doing some work. 
Finally, ditching the peppy rah-rah routine, Jen decides on a slogan 
only slighty less depressing than Debbie's 'If you don't code fast the 
Inferi will get you'.

"Right you lot, lets get this done or I'm spiking the doughnuts AND 
the drinks with the stuff that gave Fred and George boils where the 
sun don't shine." Then, before anyone has time to point out Jen hasn't 
posted a review since January, she beats a hasty retreat to her 
cupboard and nudges a chair under the doorknob, just in case. 

Jen, who so wants to start coding again she's going to get her review 
done and resurrect Talisman's Snape post to start off the discussion. 
Tomorrow, for sure. The weekend at the latest. Before the Inferi get 
her at the very, very latest. 

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