Waving white flag...

carolynwhite2 carolynwhite2 at aol.com
Mon May 15 16:55:53 UTC 2006

--- In HPFGU-Catalogue at yahoogroups.com, "Jen Reese" <stevejjen at ...> 

> Ack, our fearless leader. Ginger and Debbie put together the Snape 
> stuff (thanks guys), but what does this mean long-term? Is the 
> database ready for a launch this summer when the categories are 
> reviewed or is that part still up in the air?
> I'm getting to the point of being able to contribute more again, 
> it's just....well, it's hard not to wonder if this spells the end 
> the project. I'm wondering how feasible it will be without you as 
> the link between the tech guys, the mods, etc. I don't think I'm 
> overestimating your leadership contributions here!!!
> If everything is in place and it's just a matter of finishing up 
> review then everything sounds a go. Or we can always keep picking 
> away at things, even start coding again, and see if you whip that 
> office into shape as you did ours and have more time?
> Jen, stealing a few squares of chocolate and hoping Carolyn is too 
> busy to notice.

Jen, OY, smack! My need is greater than yours...

Never fear earthlings, have not deserted you and will continue to 
coordinate and poke people in the ribs. Just cannot get near any 
cataloguing myself for a while.. Please scream at me, on and offlist 
if you need things setting up on the database and I will do it. Work 
continues to plod forwards with the tech personages - they will get 
there, eventually.

As the debate on TOC shows, the catalogue is fast becoming a record 
of the high points in HPfGU, a record of inspired madness that Jo can 
only run away from in disbelief and horror. Haaaaa haaa ...fades 
maniac laughter

Miss Havisham in full tog.

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