[HPFGU-Catalogue] Personal note
ewetoo at gmail.com
Mon Sep 4 07:24:00 UTC 2006
On 9/4/06, Jen Reese <stevejjen at earthlink.net> wrote:
> I wanted to put this in a separate message in case no one reads the
> other one <g>.
> Spontaneity overtook me last week and I decided the time was right to
> give elfdom a try. I realized this HP phenomenon is rapidly hurtling
> toward the end and now's the time to get involved if I'm ever going to.
Good for you! But I think you'll be elfing for quite a bit after
book7, the list is going to take some time to finalize all the
questions and theories and then settle down to truly hopeless fandom.
I'm on one list dedicated to a long-gone scifi series and they're
nowhere near done after practically 20 years. I predict that a
phenomenon of this size just isn't going to shut up shop after the
series finale.
> This doesn't mean I'm abandoning the catalogue, though! Just the
> Snapey part of it. Thanks to Debbie for getting everything set up for
> him, and Ginger & Sean for diving in (congrats on the clothes btw,
> Ginger!).
That's ok, I did 1000 posts of Snape today (but I'll expand on that in
another post).
> Once I figure out how in the hell to do elfly things & get used to the
> duties there, I'll have more time again. If you decide to split up the
> Voldemort category Carolyn, count me in to help review. For some
> reason I like reading posts about His Evilness.
It's a welcome change from His Emoness believe me.
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