[HPFGU-Catalogue] Just a few Snapey thoughts
ewetoo at gmail.com
Wed Sep 6 12:43:13 UTC 2006
On 9/6/06, quigonginger <quigonginger at yahoo.com> wrote:
> For the posts I did, the uncoded ones were either repetition, drivel,
> or posts about Lucius or someone that just happened to have a bit on
> Snape, usually such astonishing revelations as "they probably knew
> each other during their DE days." That seems like drivel now, but
> given that Snape as a DE was hot news back then, I guess it did have
> merit.
Yeah, I seem to be missing those except for the revisiting of the
Prank/Shrieking Shack I. I'm going through a lot of LOLLIPOPS at the
moment and coding Snape is just overkill for those.
> I do try to keep in mind that things were different back then.
> Sirius was alive, the Crouches were a hot topic, SHIPping was up for
> grabs, and Snape jolly well could have been a vampire.
I'm keeping the vampire ones. You need a laugh.
> I also uncoded a whole slew? slough? sloo? oh, heck sh!tload, of
> posts about how one makes potions, how difficult a certain potion
> would be, and whether or not Poppy makes them. Snape was only
> mentioned in passing and I thought that it really didn't have any
> bearing on his character, so I hacked them.
Thank God I haven't run into them. I really seem to have got the good
bits by comparison.
> Debbie, given that I have WSD*, don't feel like you are plodding. I
> am just spending a lot of time staring at a screen.
> *WSD= World's Slowest Dialup. It can take me as much as 7 minutes
> from the time I click on something to the time I actually get it.
> Exboyfriendmort said that it was because I have old phone lines.
I have WMUG - Worlds Most Unreliable GPRS, which is also expensive.
But its net, and the catalogue isnt that slow for me. I usually note
about 4 or 5 posts at once and limit my pain that way.
> As far as Snape/Neville, I'd vote to just keep that in teaching for
> now and see how big that one gets. The only other cat I could think
> of would be Snape and the DEs. I think when we get to HBP
> conversation, we'll see a lot of that, and there is quite a bit even
> now. Of course that would mean we'd have to go back and redo. (I
> don't keep penguinesque notes.)
I keep note of the blocks and whether a post was uncoded or rejected.
So if a block is mostly good its obvious and if its mostly bad it is
too. A quick note on the primary threads is handy because you can zero
in on the problem areas, which is why I've re-reviewed 300 already. I
agree about Snape/Neville but I'm also pruning for relevance, opinion
isn't terribly original by this stage of the list.
> Ginger, who will be doing more Snaping this weekend.
ewe2, who's had a nice nap and will now attack a couple of blocks tonight.
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