a wonderful moment

Jen Reese stevejjen at earthlink.net
Thu Sep 21 17:47:34 UTC 2006

> Since the site is down, I'd just like to take a second of your time
> to share with you a wonderful heart-warming moment.
> Many of you have heard of my dear Godson, Justen, who is the light 
>of my life.  I got an e-mail from his mother today.  He finished his
> first Harry Potter book and is begging for the second.  It does my 
>heart good.
> Enjoy life, Ginger

Jen: A wonderful moment indeed, esp. for a Jedi. :)  I thought my 8-
yr. old would never like Harry b/c I liked him waaaay too much 
(reverse psychology on the parents starts too young). Anyway, last 
Christmas he decided he wanted his own copy of PS and away we went 
from there, all the way through HBP. I didn't even mind shelling out 
for his own copies of hardcovers just to get to read them together. 

Now he's back into Star Wars until the new book and movie come out. 
That works for me, now we're working our way through all the 
Scholastic chapter series. 

Jen, who just noticed a post by Deb on main which is challenging her 
Moody musings and is in need of a reply, hehe.

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