[HPFGU-Catalogue] PARTY Re: Just keeping us going

Ginger quigonginger at yahoo.com
Sun Apr 20 11:21:12 UTC 2008

Ginger starts from the piles of books that surround her.  An odd sound has caught her attention.  It is vaguely familiar, like an old friend.  Yet Ginger had never had any friends, the Dursleys had seen to that.  Wait, that wasn't Ginger.  That was Harry Potter.  Hey!  That's what it is.  It's the old catalogue call!  
  Ginger steps over to the computer and begins to type:
  Hi, everyone.   I haven't posted at all.  To be honest, I have dropped out of the HP circle completely.  I loved book 7.  All of my pertinent questions were answered and I got sick and tired of people going on about how she had written it all wrong and how they would have written it better since "their" Hermione/Ron/Harry/Ginny/whoever would never have acted in the way that JKR's characters did.  I got sick of people complaining that JKR did it all wrong because they had jumped to different conclusions, and since interpretation is their right, that means that JKR was wrong not to follow through.  So I quit.
  I still get the chapter things from Main, but beyond that, no more.
  So, what have I been doing?  Well, I went back to school before book 7.  I'm finishing up online since driving 90 miles away is the only other option.  I will be doing my experientials this summer and then I will be a certified pharmacy tech.  
  I have a hamster named Niklas Mathieu Daniel Robert.  I got him after Henrik Pavel Tomas Nicklas Dominik ran away.  They are named after players from the Detroit Red Wings hockey team.  I have become obsessed with them.  I spend what spare time I can find on a chat site for them, kind of like I did with HP.
  So what are all you up to?  I'd like to hear from you.
  No one has called me Ginger in months.

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