[HPFGU-Catalogue] PARTY Re: Just keeping us going

ewe2 ewetoo at gmail.com
Mon Apr 21 04:21:45 UTC 2008

Kelly said:

> Kelly, wishing Ginger congrats on the Red Wings' victory this
> afternoon, but... Penguins all the way!

But of course! :D

I should be more forthcoming. I had my doubts about book 7, but if
that's the way JKR wanted it, she's the author. I am less pleased
about the JKR vs Ark lawsuit, mainly because of the chilling effect it
will have if JKR wins, which seems likely. The List is mostly white
noise to me these days...

I'm actually casting about for another author to be passionate about,
since I started doing shiftwork in an internet support callcentre. I
need to balance bizarre phonecalls with something.

Ginger said:

> They are named after players from the Detroit Red Wings hockey team.  I have  > become obsessed with them.

It is Autumn here and an old penguin's thoughts turn to Australian
Football League and the yelling at the TV thereof. Although shifts of
3pm-11pm mean timeshifted yelling now. AFL is our lunatic brand of
Irish football crossed with more lunacy and running all day after an
elliptical ball that bounces unpredictably. Not as honestly ruthless
as hockey/ice hockey but a major player  recently got suspended for 7
weeks after punching out an opponent for no reason, when he thought
the ref wasn't looking.

And another night of madness descends....

Emacs vs. Vi flamewars are a pointless waste of time. Vi is the best

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