<DIV>Ginger, sore and stiff from a weekend of painting, wallpapering, cleaning and other unpleasant tasks, (which had nice results) re-enters the office. True to her word, she intends to devote the entire weekend to this noble cause. </DIV>
<DIV>But wait: A diversion. JKR answered her FAQ. As Ginger settles in her chair she hears Carolyn remark:<BR><TT></TT></DIV>
<DIV><TT>How dull can you get? <BR><BR>Apart from hinting that Frank & Alice were too cowardly to die for <BR>Neville (who can blame them?) and that there is nothing special about <BR>Harry after all apart from a unique ability to be in the wrong place at <BR>the wrong time, this is a yawnsville answer to end all yawnsville <BR>answers.<BR><BR>Ginger ponders this. Then speaks:</TT></DIV>
<DIV><TT>Um, you know, there were really only 3 options. 1) It was Harry all along and Neville was just a roly-poly red herring. 2) It could have been either, and it was LV's bad luck that he marked Harry. 3) It could have been another child of whom we know nothing at all.)</TT></DIV>
<DIV><TT>I would have been disappointed in #3, unless there were clues that we totally missed over which we could now slap our foreheads in self-disgust.</TT></DIV>
<DIV><TT>I would have considered #1 a waste of pagetime. Why go to all the trouble to have a second option and develop him as a character if it was all for nothing? I would also have been disappointed in the whole "chosen from beforebirth" thing.Harryhas been protrayed as a normal kid. For him to have had some great destiny and hidden powers (aside frombeing awizard to beginwith) where only he could defeat LV would beunsatifactory in my book.Kind of "oh, here's a wizard no one can defeat, so we'll have someone extra special born with some sort of power no one else has in order to defeat him." That would be the yawner.</TT></DIV>
<DIV><TT>At least this way, LV had a sporting chance. Had he not triedto kill a baby, neither would have been marked, andhewould have beenfree to persueevil at will. But he blew ithimself. Ha Ha. That'll teach you to go around killing babies, you big bully.</TT></DIV>
<DIV><TT>Much more satisfactory than the scripteddeux et machina (sp) of having one kidjusthappening to be born with the powers to defeat him at the time that he just happened to be in power. What are the odds of that? No, better that he is just borna normal kid, and then marked by evil.</TT></DIV>
<DIV><TT>Ialsolike the whole circular thinking of the prophesy. No prophesy, no attemptedkilling. No attemptedkilling, no marking. No marking, no powers. No powers, no prophesy.</TT></DIV>
<DIV><TT>Self-fulfilling fate rather than an author having to stick in a kid with the power to winso the series can reach a conclusion.</TT></DIV>
<DIV><TT>Ginger,off to read her assigned posts.</TT></DIV><p>
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