<BLOCKQUOTE class=replbq style="PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: #1010ff 2px solid">
<P><TT><FONT face=Arial>Madga's </FONT>observations:<BR><BR>1. People who don't snip properly or adequately (or - especially - at <BR>all) should die. Period.</TT></P>
<P><TT>Ginger: Amen to that. Same goes for people who just start in with their part of the post with no break from what they are quoting. And poepel hoo dont uze gud speling.</TT></P>
<P><TT>2. Some posts seem to have been coded just because a character's name <BR>is mentioned in it. Should I just worry about Filch codes and ignore <BR>the others?</TT></P>
<P><TT>Ginger: I can tell you only what I did when reviewing: Worry only about your code (Filch) and let the others hang (unless you feel someone hit a wrong key by mistake-it happens). If it's Filchy, keep it, if not, uncode. Back in my early days of coding, I wanted to be a thourough little coder and hit everything that was mentioned in a post. I have now seen the grave error of my ways. Don't be afraid to uncode.<BR></TT><TT><BR>3. Let's say someone asks a question and three people give pretty <BR>much the same answer. Just pick the best (IMO) answer? (I assume yes.)</TT></P>
<P><TT>Ginger: You got it. I reviewed the Ship categories. There is we 27 people saying the same thing.<BR><BR>4. If someone answers a question with a keeper answer, should the <BR>post asking the question be kept too for consistency? (I assume no, <BR>but just checking.)</TT></P>
<P><TT>Ginger: Again, I can only answer for what I do, but if the question (ora reasonable amount thereof) appears in the answering post, delete the question. I got rid of tons of shop posts this way. It keeps things managable. Of course, if the question post also contains keeper stuff, then keep it.<BR><BR>Welcome aboard, Magda, we're glad to have you! Your turn to bring treats (hint: Carolyn likes alcohol).</TT></P>
<P><TT>Ginger, who was knocked for a loop today- Shipping posts with actual new stuff in them! Coded about 10, rejected about 1700. I said about. Give or take 1650 or so.</TT><TT><BR><BR><BR></TT></BLOCKQUOTE></DIV><p>__________________________________________________<br>Do You Yahoo!?<br>Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around <br>http://mail.yahoo.com