<BLOCKQUOTE class=replbq style="PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: #1010ff 2px solid">
<P><TT>C - I don't do them in one sitting. 100 at a time, takes me about an <BR>hour. The standard is so low at the moment that I am only keeping <BR>maybe 4-5 in a 100, if that. Exactly reminiscent of the main list as <BR>of today - total crap with the rare reasonable point. Especially the <BR>covers issue - I must have rejected about 2-300 posts on what people <BR>imagined the OOP covers might mean when they were released.<BR><BR>*****<BR>G: You get drivel; I get Anatomy of a Rift, which I read back when it was written and found it to be worthy of a FP rating.</TT></P><TT>
<P><BR><BR>****<BR><BR>C: On the subject of MWPP I recently came across a thread mainly driven <BR>by GulPlum [53390 started it] with about 40 posts solely about the <BR>use of the apostrophe on Marauder's Map. Amanda quite justifiably <BR>made him a LOON for it, commenting [53410]:<BR>(Snip)</P>
<P>G: I remember that post and I found it rather upsetting that JKR said in an interview that the boys called themselves the Marauders. I'm going to cut her a break and assume that the punctuation error was not that of a best selling author, but of 4 schoolboys who couldn't be bothered to move the dratted thing one letter over.<BR>********<BR><BR>Ginger, looking forward to coding the "spoilers" posts from before OoP and seeing what she missed in her anal attempt to avoid all info about the new book.</TT></P></BLOCKQUOTE></DIV><p>
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