<BLOCKQUOTE class=replbq style="PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: #1010ff 2px solid">
<P><TT>boyd: While Carolyn's guess was entertaining, it's really Frito-Lay North<BR>America, which we egotistical Americans have redefined here at PepsiCo to<BR>include just the U.S. and Canada. Mexico is part of Latin America. (duh)<BR>They actually let me manage finances here. Can you believe it?<BR></TT></P>
<P><TT>Ginger, who swears she thought Boyd was British (my apologies to the Crown): </TT></P>
<P><TT>Frito-Lay! THE Frito-Lay! Really? Cool! You have done your share of SHIPping as far as I'm concerned. It took 4 bags of Doritos, 2 of Kettle Cooked Lays and 1 Twisted Cheetos to review the SHIP category.</TT></P>
<P><TT>Your new SHIP assignment: Keep your company solvent until the catalogue project is done. I'm sure Miss will have other assignments for you. Just keep those Doritos coming and I'm happy.</TT></P>
<P><TT><BR>Ginger (before): Find out how Carolyn knows that Herm fantasized about Firenze. If<BR>you are a Star Wars fan, figure out my devotion to Chewbacca. (That is for<BR>extra credit and is not required.)<BR><BR>boyd: I think I still prefer the Hermione-Grawp pairing, thanks.<BR>(Chewbacca?!?)<BR><BR></TT><?---- LSpots keywords ?><?---- HM ADS ?><!-- |**|begin egp html banner|**| --><FONT face="Courier New">Ginger (now):</FONT><BR>Since I'm letting you off the hook with SHIPs, I'll complete that assignment.</P>
<P>Ginger's top 10 reasons that Chewbacca would make a perfect husband.</P>
<P>10) He is good at fixing things.</P>
<P>9) He is very loyal.</P>
<P>8) He would rip the arms off anyone who tried to hurt me.</P>
<P>7) He is accustomed to the type of hair clogs he would find in my shower drain.</P>
<P>6) Having viewed his anatomy, I can find no reason to believe that there would be any requests for any actions on my part that make middle-aged, rotund, arthritic women emit screams of discomfort (followed by the man mistaking them for a request for more).</P>
<P>5) His piloting skills would make it possible for me to attend every HP gathering around the globe.</P>
<P>4) His movie royalities would allow me to quit my job and devote 40 more hours per week to the cataloguing project.</P>
<P>3) He is intelligent, but wouldn't talk over my head (like TOC).</P>
<P>2) As a resident of the Frozen North, I could save a mint on my heat bill by snuggling up to him.</P>
<P>And the #1 reason Chewbacca would make the perfect husband: He is used to being second in command. </P>
<P>And there you have it.</P>
<P>Ginger, wondering if Chester Cheetah was based on Boyd.</P></BLOCKQUOTE></DIV><p>
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